Return Policy
Online and instore return requests can be made within 10 business days of the date items are received for Store Credit Only. Items returned must be returned in brand new, un-used condition, with all original packaging. All shipping costs, including shipping cost from orders eligible for free shipping will be deducted from the final store credit value issued.
We do not accept returns on sale merchandise. If the price is discounted in anyway (sale items, package discounts, coupon codes, etc.) than it is considered a FINAL SALE and is not eligible for return or exchange.
A return confirmation is required for all returns. Simply email us at with your order number and specifics regarding the items you would like to return. Return confirmations are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Processing times can vary seasonally, your patience is appreciated!
To send us your return, we will provide you with a shipping label from which you can use to send your return. Simply put the items you wish to return in the original packaging you received it in and put the return label over the top of the original label. Make sure to properly secure and seal the package and label as we cannot be liable if a return does not make it back to the store.
For orders outside of the USA, returns are extremely expensive and time consuming due to Duties, Taxes, and Shipping and therefore are not worthwhile for us or you the customer. Thank you for your understanding!
If you have further questions or concerns please contact us through email at, or you can call or text 435-752-0155 during regular business hours. Our store is open Monday—Saturday, 11am—8pm(MTN).